5 No-Equipment Back Exercises

The best way to prevent back injuries is to strengthen your back before injury happens. The aesthetics of having a toned, muscular back is coveted by nearly everyone… so why doesn’t everyone have one? We have a tendency to work the muscles we see because it’s in our sight of vision. This means the muscles we don’t see, we don’t work as much or as hard, right? On a Monday evening, you’re more likely to see men going all out on chest, shoulders, and arms rather than rows, pull ups, or any other pulling exercise. Too much focus on pushing vs pulling will end up doing more harm than good in the form of front shoulder pain, poor posture & no progress in strength.

If you’re sitting down while reading this, are you hunched over or is your back as straight and flat as a wall?

If you’re reading this while standing up, where is your phone in relation to your face? Down by your stomach or up at face level?

If you sit in a hunched position doing computer work or scroll through instagram more than face to face interactions, try these moves out. You also can’t use the “I don’t have a gym membership” excuse.  These 5 no-equipment back exercises can be performed at home, the park, the office…. I think you get the point.

If you need a good analogy to inspire your friend to focus more on back instead of chest… Think about the foundation of a house. You wouldn’t build a house on sand. You’d have a strong, sturdy, reliable base to construct your home, because anything else less trustworthy will result in a collapse. The same applies to your body, the stronger your back is, the stronger your front will become.

Bonus for men: When she digs her nails into your back, it’ll feel like rocks to her instead of warm towel 😉

Good Mornings:

3 sets.

10-15 reps.

Rest 30-60s.

Dolphin Kick:

3 Sets.

5-10 Reps.

Rest 30-60s.

Reverse Snow Angels:

3 Sets.

3-5 Reps.

Rest 30-60s.

Superman/woman Holds: 

1-3 sets.

3 reps with a 15-30 second hold.

Rest 30-60s.

Wall Walks (nose & toes touch the wall):

1-3 sets.

3 reps with a 15-30 second hold.

Rest 30-60s.

Send me a form video if you’d like me to check your form or in need of a modification.


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