Cardio, Fat Loss, Build Muscle, Nutrition Abel Mezemer Cardio, Fat Loss, Build Muscle, Nutrition Abel Mezemer

Q: If I want to lose some extra fat, should I do weights first? I usually focus on cardio first , I can run a lot


A: I'm first recommending focusing on your nutrition, so you're in a caloric deficit. After that, include weight training and cardio into your fitness routine to effectively "lose extra fat." While cardio is essential for burning calories and improving cardiovascular health, weight training is crucial for building lean muscle mass, which in turn helps boost your metabolism. When you have more lean muscle mass, your body burns more calories at rest, which can help you lose fat in the long run.

Regarding the order in which you perform your exercises, there is no hard and fast rule about whether you should do weights or cardio first. However, there are a few factors to consider. Suppose you are looking to build muscle and increase strength. In that case, it's beneficial to start with weight training, as your energy and focus will be at their highest earlier in the workout. On the other hand, if your primary goal is to burn calories and improve cardiovascular fitness, starting with cardio is more beneficial.

Another critical factor to consider is recovery. Suppose you are new to weight training or have not been consistent with it. In that case, it's essential to start with a lower volume and intensity and gradually increase it over time. Doing cardio before weights can make you more tired, making lifting weights with proper form and intensity harder.

Additionally, consider the time you have available to dedicate to your workout. Performing cardio and weight training on separate days may be a more practical option if you are short on time. For example, you can do weight training on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and cardio on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Also, it would be best if you focused on the quality of your workout, not the quantity.

It's also important to remember that exercise alone is not enough to lose extra fat. Nutrition also plays a crucial role in weight loss. To lose fat, you need to create a calorie deficit, which means consuming fewer calories than you burn. This can be achieved by consuming a healthy diet low in calorie-dense foods, such as processed foods and added sugars, and high in nutrient-dense foods, such as fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and healthy fats.

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Nutrition Abel Mezemer Nutrition Abel Mezemer

What Should You Eat After A Workout?

This article is going to provide you with an optimal method for how to approach nutrition after your training session.

Especially after strength (resistance) training or HIIT cardio with a duration of at least 45 minutes.

Stress/Recovery/Adaptation Cycle 

Resistance training done correctly breaks down muscle fibers and depletes muscle glycogen. That’s good stress to the body because in order to build muscle and become stronger, you need to move a load that is challenging to your system and follow it with nutrition that supports recovery. Those two steps, if done correctly, will help you adapt and grow. 

What you feed your body after a workout will do one of two things, help or hurt. The benefits of proper post-workout nutrition include: 

  • Improved recovery 

  • Reduced soreness 

  • Increased ability to build muscle 

  • Improved immune function 

  • Improved bone mass 

  • Improved ability to utilize body fat

  • Reduced chance of injury

  • Improved performance

A question I receive often is what someone should eat after a workout and this is going to be frustrating for a lot of people but the answer is “it depends”. 

If your goal is to lose weight, then what you eat after a workout has to fit the number one rule of losing weight: calorie deficit. This doesn’t mean your post workout meal should be low in calories. One component of proper recovery means getting enough calories to refuel your body. If you skip out on calories, you’re sabotaging results as well as performance the rest of the day. It’s hard to function in real life when all you can think about is food and hunger.

Some people strictly believe in whole foods and others believe in supplements (protein drinks); I believe a combination of both to be more optimal. 


Digestion of nutrients is different when the source is coming from solid foods versus liquid foods. The breakdown and digestion of solid foods is much slower than the digestion of liquid foods. Some people are very hungry following a workout while others don’t have the hunger levels for eating. Either way, they both need nutrients to rebuild. 

Nutrient timing is important, it is also somewhat overrated. You don’t need to eat immediately after a workout, however, that doesn’t mean you should overlook when you consume food after a training session. Overall calories and macronutrient distribution matters way more than when you consume calories or supplements for losing weight and body fat or gaining weight and building muscle. 

Protein and carbohydrates play two different roles post-workout. If you leave one out of the equation, then you’re sabotaging your progress and results. For example, if you just have protein and no carbs, then protein can’t effectively build and repair muscle fibers because it now has the task of replacing muscle glycogen that was depleted from your workout. 

For someone who is fasted or didn’t have a pre-workout meal, having a post-workout meal immediately following a workout might help you build more muscle. It also might not make a difference. Remember, overall calories will determine success or failure with body composition over time.

Is there a “Window of Opportunity”? 

There’s a lot of studies that shows you should consume calories post workout immediately to maximize recovery and results. However, a study done (Here) on nutrient timing post-exercise concluded that total daily calorie consumption is a better approach to maximizing training adaptations than timing. The only time when timing outweighs total calories is if you’re training in a fasted state. Here’s what I personally like to adhere to:

Within 2 hours 

  • I have a protein shake within 30 mins of my workout. 

  • I have a full meal within 90 mins after my protein shake. 

Within 2 hours post-workout, I’ve consumed two meals where most people have one or even nothing. 

How Much Should You Have?

Brad Schoenfeld: Researcher/Educator on muscle building/fat loss.

Brad Schoenfeld: Researcher/Educator on muscle building/fat loss.

Here’s what I consume after most workouts on average.

  • Protein Shake Macros/Calories

    • 40g protein

    • 51g carbs

    • 2g fats

    • 382 calories

  • Chipotle Macros/Calories

    • Brown Rice

    • Fajita Veggies

    • Chicken

    • 37g protein

    • 41g carbs

    • 12g fats

    • 424 calories

  • Total Macros/Cals

    • 77g protein

    • 92g carbs

    • 14g fats

    • 806 calories


Whatever you can afford consistently.

Whatever you can easily consume consistently.

Whatever tastes good FOR YOU and that you can stick with on a consistent basis.

I’ve tried everything at GNC and Vitamin Shoppe and they all made my stomach bloat, didn’t taste as good as I had hoped for and even made me break out (allergic to shellfish). If you’re still out there searching for something better, here is my suggestion.

I’ve been taking 1st Phorm supplements for two years now. Someone I looked up to in the fitness industry and trusted talked about what she takes so I tried it out. I can’t tell you how much happier my stomach is because of this decision and the quality of taste is high.

For my post-workout shake, I get their Vanilla Milkshake protein with Ignition, mix with water and it tastes like an ice cream shake from Nifty Fifty’s every time.

Here is the link to order it and try it out: Here

A couple things before you click that link. 

  • I do get a small commission if you use that link.

  • You get free shipping.

  • I wouldn’t risk my reputation or integrity to make money. Your trust in me matters more than I can express.

  • Last but not least, it’s going to be THE BEST post-workout shake you try in your life. 110% money back guarantee

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Abel Mezemer Abel Mezemer

2019: Year Of Offense

I was 24 years old. 

I just had a second operation on my chest. I was “diagnosed” with gynecomastia. Some people call them "large male breasts", others call them "Bitch Tits", either way, it was something I struggled with my entire childhood & was going to take over my adult life…

I had this same operation a year prior. Long story short, we decided to take a risk and have a no-scar-surgery that would eliminate this problem that became a part of my identity. It didn’t work and I suffered another year of insecurity because every time I looked in the mirror, I saw two reasons why I wasn’t a man, I wasn’t attractive, I wasn’t good enough…

The first tattoo I got was to cover my scars…

Two years of diet & training. The first time I looked in the mirror shocked at what I saw…

Two years of diet & training. The first time I looked in the mirror shocked at what I saw…

I was 25 years old. 

What started out as another night out with my best friend, ended up being the night I met the girl of my dreams, or so I thought. We got into an argument because I took the side of the girl that he was dating at the time. I was always a third wheel, something I've grown accustomed to being, again, I was getting closer to the body that I wanted but still miles away from the confidence I needed. My best friend left me to go do a DJ gig, my phone was on 3%, if felt like my world was coming to an end. I relied on Austin for my social life. I’m an introvert & a homebody by nature. I was also broke as shit so I told myself I was the lucky one that he even wanted to be friends with me & take me places. The only thing that was on my mind was getting to him so I could apologize. Despite having a few drinks in my system, I was able to locate him and we immediately had a conversation. Next thing I know, I get a tap on my shoulder followed by the question: "are you QuoteAbel?”. It was from the girl that I was in love with through Instagram.

Eight months later, on and off dating, the main thing that I feared from day one finally happened. So afraid to lose something I work so hard at making last, I was blind sided with "we need to talk”. It wasn’t the closure conversation that saves you years of frustration & suicidal-depression, it was the type of conversation that fuels insecurity & kills any type of dignity you had. It was the second & last time I gave everything I had to one woman. Despite my valiant efforts, I wasn’t assertive, I wasn’t a man, I wasn’t good enough…

Hollywood Millz

Hollywood Millz



I was 28 years old.

I was two years into my corporate job, I was making good money for the first time in my life, I was also a soulless zombie. My prior years of creativity were dead. I didn’t care about music, I didn’t care about poetry, I didn’t care about anything besides working, working out & making more money. 6 months prior, I finally decided to study for my personal training certification. I couldn’t last one more second at that job but wasn’t assertive or man enough to leave. The people around me were negative, the commute was always crowded, the gym was always packed, I was living for the weekends.

August 2016, after 6 months of spending all my free time studying, I passed the NASM CPT test. FUCKING ECSTATIC! I spent the next month training a few friends for cheap just to get experience & money in. September 2016, I spent my birthday in Dominican Republic. I could get used to this. Work 9-5 & train people afterwards until I had enough clients/money to leave that soul-sucking job. It’s funny whenever you think you have a plan of how things will go, the universe likes to throw a wrench in there to show you who’s the real boss. I came back from DR & we had a meeting (something that never happens unless it’s bad news). Long story short, no one in that department had a job anymore & we had two months to figure out what to do next. I stayed on for the transition period & after two months, I was offered another position in the company or, take my severance & look for something else. I just turned 28 years old. I didn’t have any real responsibilities. I didn’t have a girlfriend or a child. This was it for me. This was my chance to see what I was made of. It was my time to see if the life I wanted to live was possible. No one was going to baby me anymore. How great do you want to be? How bad do you want it? Are you good enough?

Collateral Analyst. After hours

Collateral Analyst. After hours

Puerto Plata, DR

Puerto Plata, DR

I’m 30 years old.

I’m at my 3rd personal training job. 

It took me almost two years to feel comfortable in this profession. 

Two years of failing, doubting myself, & grinding. 

What I’ve learned is the harder you work, the faster the results come. 

What’s overwhelming at the beginning, becomes routine after a few months. 

If you do right by people, help out as many people as you can for free, experience & character grows exponentially. 

When you focus on becoming a better version of yourself daily, instead of comparing yourself to others, that momentum lands you new opportunities.

If you live in your truth, no one can own you.


Consistency > Perfection

Discipline > Motivation

Waiting for closure is like holding your breath, it feels like you’re dying the longer time passes.

If you give up, you’ll never reach your goals. 

Which brings us to the title of this blog, Offense. It took me 30 years to realize why I’m not where I want to be yet. I was waiting for someone to save me. I was waiting for things to happen. I was waiting for permission, to be told it’s okay for you to try a little harder now, you’re ready for what’s next. The truth is, you’ll never be ready for what’s next until you start now. I thought surgery was going to fix my body image issues, I thought Angela was going to be the last girl I was ever with, I thought that 9-5 was going to be the last job I ever had… There’s a few things I’m certain of, if you don’t like your body, do something about it. If you don’t like your job, do something about it. If you don’t like feeling hopeless, do something about it! 

The road to becoming is a long journey that will test your faith, resiliency & strength. 

Every “no” is a speed bump, not a dead end. 

& If you’re good enough, NO ONE is stopping you... You’re more than capable. 

If you want to lose weight, google is your best friend, or hire a coach.

If you want to get further in business, read a shit load of “how to’s”, or hire a mentor.

You have a gift & a story that needs to be shared, to save someone else’s life, to remind them that things they wish for, dream about, cry about is possible with faith & work. Sacrifice something now for something better in the future.

Here’s to a productive & offensive 2019. 

Structure Personal Fitness

Structure Personal Fitness

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