December 2011. 250lbs.

The Beginning

"Don't judge a book by it's cover." Looks can be deceiving, as you see me in this photo out partying appearing happy... but I wasn't. Depressed about where I was in life (post college) and being husky/overweight, I didn't know how to change how I looked and how I felt. I've always been a "gym rat" but I was never conscious about nutrition. I figured you could just outwork a bad diet. The sad truth is you can't. My good friend Brandon told me about this "Paleo Diet" I should follow.  Did my googles & made the changes one meal at a time. It wasn't easy but I needed a change, I hate feeling like a victim so this was my first step towards being in control of one thing in my life...


September 2012.

one year Later...

9 months into the "Paleo Diet". Nutrition started to make sense. I learned to make a few recipes that were fast & easy. This smile was more genuine than the last. I wasn't yet comfortable naked but clothes "felt" better on me. I was beginning to become more comfortable in my own skin...


September 2013.

two years Later...

Over time I learned what worked for me & what didn't (digestion wise). I modified the "Paleo Diet" to include more carbs so I could run more (gym cardio & basketball). I was much more confident & happy with my progress. As much progress as I've made in my journey, I realized the strength you can achieve in being consistent. It was hard to reach this point, but don't think there's no more work to do. Now you have to maintain it...


September 2014.

three years...

I don't call it a diet. It's my nutrition. The transformation you want to make first starts within. People asked how did I do it? I didn't give up when it got rough, I stayed consistent.

How bad did I want it? More than you could imagine...


June 2015

Four Years Later...

Six months into my first salary job, I was eating out more (Chipotle & Shake Shack three to four times a week) and didn't realize how little I ate in the past. My muscles filled out more and the hunger disappeared. I ate clean throughout the day getting my necessary micronutrients and macronutrients, I would workout for 2-3 hours and be exhausted needing one thing: CALORIES! This is when the bulk of my calories would come in, post workout. It worked for a while but like all good things... they come to an end. 

April 2016

April 2016

five years later...

I sprained my ankle playing basketball on the last "warm weather" day in October 2015. I suffered a similar bad ankle sprain back in high school so I tried doing the same physical therapy type of exercises on my own but it didn't work. I ended up going to physical therapy for 6 weeks in February 2016 and that helped out a little bit but there was still a pain internally that wouldn't go away. I knew I needed surgery was the next step... I woke up April 6th 2016 with a cast on which meant 6 months until "full recovery". 

June 2017

June 2017

six years later...

During my recovery, I began studying for my personal training certification through N.A.S.M. I passed the test and within 6 months, mustered up the courage to leave my corporate job of 2 years at the time and pursue my passion of helping others gain control of their lives through the discipline of working out and proper nutrition. 

The power of imagination makes us infinite.
— John Muir