Nutrition, Mindset, Habits Abel Mezemer Nutrition, Mindset, Habits Abel Mezemer

Eat Slowly

The enjoyment you have from eating food doesn’t make you a foodie. 

If the gratification you get from food leads to a dissatisfaction from the way you look, then it may be time to change the way you eat and think about eating.

Comfort foods are like a drug that temporarily shift your focus from the problems you’re trying to run away from into an addiction that will cause more short & long term problems.

Weight gain isn’t the problem, it’s a symptom.

Whether you’re unhappy with your job, career path, significant other, family or friends, the fact remains that eating because you’re stressed or anxious is not going to solve the symptoms.

If good habits follow good habits, the same is true about bad habits.

Food can make us FEEL better or worse.

            Are you aware of the foods that have a positive effect on your stomach and mood?

            What about the foods that make you feel sluggish or cause an upset stomach?

Ideally, you’re going to eat when you’re hungry and stop when you’re full.

So why do you eat when you’re bored and stop when you feel pregnant?

This is a question I’ve asked myself numerous times.

I’ve also found that when you ask silly questions, your brain gives you a silly answer.

When you have nothing better to do, instead of eating, ask yourself what’s something you enjoy doing that doesn’t add calories? You can build on this and think about cooking a meal that has less calories and still tastes good.

In the same context, how can you stop eating past full if your fullness cues aren’t working?

  1. Eat Slowly

    • Put your utensils/food down and pause for a moment after each bite.

    • Easy?

  2. Eat Slowly Without Distractions

    • On top of eating slowly, put your phone away/turn off the TV.

    • Easy?

  3. Eat Very Slowly, Without Distractions, and with Full Presence and Attention

    • Notice your food’s taste, texture, and smell.

    • Savor each bite like you’re doing an expensive wine tasting.

    • Pause after each bite and notice the thoughts and feelings attached.

If you need help with deciding which foods you’re currently eating that help or hurt you, send me an email & let’s figure it out together.

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Workouts, Mindset Abel Mezemer Workouts, Mindset Abel Mezemer

Full Body Workout + The Successful Dieter's Mindset


The full body workout mentioned in this video is going to have a total of 8 exercises:

A: Barbell Back Squat 

  • 3 sets x 5 reps w/3 min rest break between sets.

Superset: 3 sets x 5 reps each with a 1-2 min rest break between sets

B1: Dumbbell Chest Press 

B2: Kettlebell Prone Row w/pause

C: Barbell Romanian Deadlift 3 sets x 8-10 reps w/1 min break

Superset: 3 sets x 8-10 reps/side w/1 min break

D1: Dumbbell Shoulder Press

D2: Cable Lat Pulldowns (underhand grip)

Arms Finisher:

Dumbbell Bicep Curls 1 set x 10 reps

Dumbbell Tricep Kickbacks 1 set x 10 reps

The second part of this video is about the mindset it takes to be successful with a diet.

It’s not easy to give up the foods you enjoy but it’s necessary to control the portions of everything you eat in order to lose weight & ultimately body fat.

The difference I see in people who succeed in weight loss versus those who don’t is patience. Everyone wants results but very few people are willing to do the work it takes. Losing weight is a result, changing your habits is what makes the results appear. Someone who isn’t patient will take every shortcut in the book and become frustrated when the progress they expected to happen in a few days or weeks doesn’t happen. How does one become a millionaire? By working hard, smart, and giving it time. The result you're looking for is planted in the work through the modification of your daily routine.

The body you have right now is the result of eating intuitively, not working out consistently, and spending too much time with people aren't aligned with your own goals. Successful people don't hang out with unsuccessful people in the same way that most people who are fit don't hang out with people who are out of shape. You'll be surprised at how quickly your life turns around when you change the people in circle. We're four months into 2019, how much of you have accomplished from your New Year's resolution list? If you have things still uncrossed, what's one thing in your day you can change right now that's going to get you closer to crossing off that particular goal?

Action Steps You Can Take Now

  • Start tracking you calories for weight-loss today! Learn how here

  • Lose weight without a diet. Learn how here

  • Use Intermittent Fasting to lose weight. Learn how here

  • Hit your Goal Body Weight in protein every day. Find your protein number here

  • Strength Train 2-3 times a week. Have 1 Day of cardio if you want. Don’t have a routine? Send me an email & I’ll give you a FREE 4 week program here: with the subject “4 Week AYM Higher Program”

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